Description: Deca-300 is unique (so far as I know) in that 5a -reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to the more-potent DHT, actually converts nandrolone to a less-potent compound. Therefore this AAS is somewhat deactivated in the skin, scalp, and prostate, and these tissues experience an effectively-lower androgen level than the rest of the body. Therefore, for the same amount of activity as another drug at the androgen receptors (ARs) in muscle tissue, Deca gives less activity in the scalp, skin, and prostate. Thus, it is the best choice for those particularly concerned with these things. Its effectiveness at the androgen receptor of muscle tissue is superior to that of testosterone: it binds better. Yet, it gives only about half the muscle-building results per milligram. This I think is a result of its being less effective or entirely ineffective in non-AR-mediated mechanisms for muscle growth. It also appears less effective or entirely ineffective in activity on nerve cells, certainly on the nerve cells responsible for erectile function. Use of Deca as the sole AAS often results in complete inability to perform sexually. These problems can be solved by combining with a drug that does supply the missing activity: e.g. testosterone. Nandrolone is proven to be a progestin. This fact is of clear importance in bodybuilding, because while moderate Deca-only use actually lowers estrogen levels as a consequence of reducing natural testosterone levels and thus allowing the aromatase enzyme less substrate to work with, Deca nonetheless can cause gyno in some individuals. Furthermore, just as progesterone will to a point increase sex drive in women, and then often decrease it as levels get too high, high levels of progestogenic steroids can kill sex drive in male bodybuilders, though there is a great deal of individual variability as to what is too much. Incidentally, this progestogenic activity also inhibits LH production, and contrary to common belief, even small amounts of Deca are quite inhibitory, approximately as much so as the same amount of testosterone. To some extent, nandrolone aromatizes to estrogen, and it does not appear that this can be entirely blocked by use of aromatase inhibitors - indeed, aromatase may not be involved at all in this process (there is no evidence in humans that such occurs) with the enzyme CYP 2C11 being in my opinion the more likely candidate for this activity. In any case, Cytadren, an aromatase inhibitor, has not been found effective in avoiding aromatization of nandrolone.
Description: Mast-100 is a synthetic derivative of dihydro testosterone, producing an anabolic effect by promoting protein synthesis, as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance in humans. Since it is a derivative of dihydro testosterone, dromastolone Di-propionate does not aromatize in any dosage and thus it cannot be converted into estrogen. This is more suitable for competitive bodybuilder due to no water retention. It also shaped your physic while dieting.
Description: Primo-100 is simply the longer effective form of Methenolone. When is taken in a low dosage, low water retension stimulating the build up of strength and muscle can occur. Novice user can gain up to 4 ¨C 7kg within 8 weeks and do not worry about losing them after discontinue using this agent! Although Primo-100 have a weaker effect than Deca, it is a good basic steroids with A predominantly anabolic effect and depending on the goal, can be effectively combined with almost every steroids.Primo-100 may not convert to estrogen, however low water retention may occur if high dosage is used! Relatively such problem may not occur from the oral form ( Methenolone acetate). Side effect with Primo-100 are minimal and manifest themselves only rarely and in persons who are extremely sensitive.
Description: Tren-A is a fast-acting injectable steroid with a great effect on protein metabolism. Trenbolone is one of the best effective anabolic compounds, promoting protein synthesis, as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance. It is an appetite stimulant and improves the conversion of proteins. In laboratory tests, it has been demonstrated that trenbolone increases protein and decreases fat deposition. It has proven to be an excellent product for promoting size and strength in the presence of adequate protein and calories, promotes body tissue building processes, and can reverse catabolism.
Description: Prop-150 is a male sexual hormone with pronounced, mainly androgenic action, possessing the biological and therapeutic properties of the natural hormone. In a healthy male organism, androgens are formed by the testes and adrenal cortex. It is normally produced in women in small physiological quantities. In addition to the specific action that determines the sexual characteristics of the individual, it also has a general anabolic action, manifested in enhancement of protein synthesis. Under the effect of testosterone, body weight increases and urea excretion is reduced. High doses suppress the production of hypophyseal gonadotropin, while low doses stimulate it. It has an antitumor effect on mammary gland metastases. It is also know as the fast acting Testosterone. Require a dose at every other day.
Description: Cyp-300 are responsible for normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of secondary sex characteristics. These effects include growth and maturation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, and scrotum; development of male hair distribution, such as beard, pubic, chest, and axillary hair; laryngeal enlargement, vocal cord thickening, and alterations in body musculature and fat distribution. Drugs in this class also cause retention of nitrogen, sodium, potassium, and phosphorous, and decreased urinary excretion of calcium. Androgens have been reported to increase protein anabolism and decrease protein catabolism. Nitrogen balance is improved only when there is sufficient intake of calories and protein. The increase in nitrogen retension also not only provides for muscle gain but also fast recovery from strenuous exercise. Cyp-300 is also know as a long acting Testosterone which hold more water than Enant-250.
Description: Enant-300 is an oil based injectable steriod, designed to release testosterone slowly from the injection site. Once administered, serum concentrations of this hormone will rise for several days, and remain markedly elevated for approximately two weeks. It may actually take three weeks for the action of this drug to fully diminish. For medical purpose this is one of the most used testosterone by athletic, used regularly to treat cases of hypothyroidism other disorders related to androgen deficiency. Testosterone is a powerful hormone with notably prominent side effect. Much of which stem from the fact that testosterone exhibits a high tendency to convert into estrogen. Related side effect may therefore become a problem during cycle. For starters, water retention may be noticeable. This can produce a clear loss of muscle definition, as subcutaneous fluids begin to build.
Description: Stan-100 is a popular anabolic steroid. This compound is a derivation of dihydrotestosterone, although its activity is much milder in nature. It is technically classified as an anabolic steroid, shown to exhibit a slightly greater tendency for muscle growth than androgenic activity in early studies. While dihydro testosterone really only provides androgenic side effects when administered, stanozolol instead provides quality muscle growth. Admittedly the anabolic properties of this substance are still mild in comparison to many stronger compounds, but it is stall a reliable builder. Its efficacy as an anabolic could even be comparable to Dianabol, however Winstro does not carry with it the same tendency for water retention. Stanozolol also contains the same c17 methylation we see with Dianabol, an alteration used so that oral administration is possible.
Structurally stanozolol is not capable of converting into estrogen. Likewise an antiestrogen is not necessary when using this steroid, gynecomastia not being a concern many sensitive individuals. Since estrogen is also the culprit with water retention, Stan-100 instead produces a lean, quality look to the physique with no fear of excess subcutaneous fluid retention but will denser your bone. This makes it a favorable steroid to use during cutting cycles, when water and fat retention are a major concern. It is also very popular among athletes in combination strength/speed sports such as Track and Field. In such disciplines one usually does not carry around access water weight, and may therefore find the raw muscle-growth brought about by steemo quite favorable.
Description: Sustan-300 is dosed with the same testosterone molecules, but with 50% higher strength. The increased strength allows for heavier onset action within 2-3 days due to the Testosterone Propionate ester which is rapidly followed up by the other esters in the formulation. Sustan-300 is painfree and can easily be administrated as multi-ml injection.
Description: Bold-200 injectable steroid boldenone undecylenate. Specifically it is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. Exhibiting a pronounced effect on lean body weight, appetite and general disposition of the muscle. It also shows marked ability for increasing red blood cell production (an effect characteristic of all anabolic/androgenic steroids), no doubt a contributing factor to the increased energy and appetite levels. It is also considered by many to be a stronger, slightly more androgenic Deca.
The side effects associated with Equipoise are generally mild. The tendency to develop a noticeable amount of water retention with this drug would therefore be slightly higher than that with Deca, but much less than what would be expected with a stronger agent such as Testosterone. While one does have a chance of encountering water retention when using this substance it is not a common problem when taken at a moderate dosage level. Gynecomastia may also become a concern, but usually only among sensitive individuals or (again) those venturing high in dosage. The addition of Tamoxifen should of course make the cycle more tolerable. An anti-aromatize such as Arimidex would be stronger options, however probably not indicated with a mild drug as such.
It can also produce distinct androgenic side effects. Incidences of oily skin, acne, increased aggression and hair loss are likewise all possible with this compound, although will typically be related to the use of higher doses. Women in fact find this drug more comfortable, virilization symptoms usually unseen when taken at low doses. Bold-200 does reduce to a more potent androgen (dihydroboldenone) via the 5aplha reductase enzyme (which produces DHT from testosterone), however its affinity for this interaction in the human body is low to nonexistent. We therefore cannot consider the reductase inhibitor Proscar to be of much use with Equipoise, as it would be blocking what is best an insignificant path of metabolism for the steroid. And although this drug is relatively mild, it may still have a depressive effect on endogenous testosterone levels. A combination of HCG and Clomid/Tamoxifen may likewise be needed at the conclusion of each cycle to avoid when running long in duration.
Not a rapid mass builder, instead Bold-200 will be looked at to provide a slow but steady gain of strength and quality muscle mass. The most positive effects of this drug are seen when it is used for longer cycles, usually lasting more than 8-10weeks in duration. The muscle gained should not be the smooth bulk seen with androgens, but very defined and solid. Since water bloat is not contributing greatly to the diameter of the muscle, much of the size gained on a cycle of Bold-200 can be retained after the drug has been discontinued.
We can create a number of drug combinations with it depending on the desired result. For mass, one may want to stack it with TIGBOL-10 or an injectable. The result should be an incredible gain of muscle size and strength, without the same intensity of side effects if using the androgen (at a higher dose) alone. During a cutting phase, muscle hardness and density can be greatly improved when combining Bold-200 with a non-aromatizable steroid as TIGSTAN-10 50 (stanozolol). For some however, even the low buildup of estrogen associated with this compound is enough to relegate its use to bulking cycles only.
Description: Tren Mix contains Trenbolone Acetate 50mg, Testosterone Propionate 100mg and Drostanolone Propionate 50mg. The combination of these three molecules gives a solid combination which hardens and tones your muscles and allows for fast lean muscle gains within just a few weeks.
Description: Tren Hex is Medium-acting trenbolone ester. Explosive high quality mass & strength gains. Accelerate fat loss. One of the most powerful steroids available.
Potency : 76.5 mg/ml.
Dosage : 50 mg - 150 mg/week.
Appearance : Oil based solution
Packing : Supplied in a clear 10ml glass vial with Red flip-off cap & labeled box.
Description: T-Amp - 40 ADENOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE INJECTION is a potent vasodilator to increase the flow of blood to cardiac and skeletal muscles.By producing a marked increase in the blood supply to muscles and heart, adenosine increases the oxygen and essential nutrient supply to these areas during hard work and improves the efficiency of removal of waste products such as lactic acid to delay the onset of muscle fatigue
Potency : 40 mg/ml.
Dosage : 100 mg - 200 mg/week.
Appearance : Oil based solution
Packing : Supplied in a clear 10ml glass vial with Red flip-off cap & labeled box.