Description: Lean muscle mass with improved cardio vascular endurance. It has ability to reverse side effects of steroids on heart and respiratory system.
Description: Increase muscle mass with enhanced endurance. Very good for pre contest cycle.
Description: Induces HGH and IGF -1 levels, Helps gain lean muscle mass with increase bone density and elevated fat loss. It has also shown to fast healing of injured muscle tissues and ligaments.
Description: Ability to gain lean muscle with effectively burning fat. Also effective for strength and endurance.
Description: 10 times more powerful anabolic. Helps gain muscle with fat burning .
Description: Helps build lean muscle mass, enhanced fat loss. It has shown to improve strength.
Description: Increase glucose uptake, lean muscle mass, fat loss. Also effective in enhancing endurance. Stenamuporis has shown to reverse type-2 diabetes as well.
Description: Increase muscle mass, strength and endurance. Shown to elevate folistatin levels.